The Enduring Value of Being Seen for Who You Are

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” — Proverbs 17:17 (NIV)

Hope Through Struggles
2 min readJul 15, 2024

In today’s world, where achievements and social status often dominate our interactions, the essence of true friendship lies in being recognized and appreciated for our authentic selves. Genuine friends possess a remarkable ability to see beyond our external successes and flaws, embracing our true essence with empathy and understanding.

In recent months, as we’ve faced challenges together, I’ve come to realize that while we hope for a brotherhood that stands with us, it’s not always the reality. Some friendships appear conditional, valuing what we bring to the table or expecting conformity rather than accepting us as we are. If we fail to meet certain expectations or voice dissent, we may suddenly find ourselves on the outside.

Reflecting on my own journey through friendships, I’ve discovered that authentic connections are not transactional; they are rooted in a profound bond that transcends superficial measures of success. True friends value us for our character, embracing our quirks and celebrating our unique perspectives. They cherish the authenticity we bring to the relationship, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance that goes beyond mere acquaintance.

In a society that often prioritizes appearances over substance, genuine friendships serve as a beacon of authenticity. They remind us of the profound importance of being truly seen and understood for who we are. Through these connections, we learn the virtues of kindness, empathy, and genuine connection — pillars that sustain lasting and meaningful relationships.

Let us treasure those who appreciate us beyond our accomplishments or societal roles. Let us embrace our vulnerabilities and idiosyncrasies with the assurance of unwavering support and unconditional love. In doing so, we cultivate a community built on mutual respect and genuine care, where each person is valued not for what they bring to the table, but for the unique light they shine into our lives.

Heavenly Father,

Help us cherish and nurture relationships that honor and celebrate each other’s authenticity.

Help us to be loyal friends who offer support and understanding unconditionally

In Jesus Name, Amen.



Hope Through Struggles

"Cancer survivors sharing hope & resilience. Inspiring triumph over adversity. Join our journey. 🌟 #SurvivorsUnite"